FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 32:23 Make Every Day Spoil Your Dog Day

Labrador Lesson for 8/11/23:

Make every day spoil your dog day.

Yesterday was National Spoil Your Dog Day. The Labs have proposed that EVERY day should be spoil your dog day, and they have 3 tips to help you spoil your dog. Tip 1: Spend time with your dog(s). They like being with you! Tip 2: Move with your dog(s) on most days. This will help your dog (and you) live a long and healthy life. Tip 3: Give them healthy treats. The Labs love blueberries and carrots, but there’s nothing wrong with the occasional pup cup!

Take home message from the Labs to all the dog owners out there: Make every day Spoil Your Dog Day (in a healthy way).