Do’s and Don’ts for Moving in 2022 – a Video Podcast

This week’s FitLabPGH Podcast release is a video podcast: Do’s and Don’ts for Moving in 2022. We encourage everyone to make movement a lifestyle…this year and every year! Whether you’re just starting a movement routine or you’re already a lifetime mover, here are 5 tips for an enjoyable, and SAFE, movement practice (for you…and for those around you).

Listen to the audio or watch the video below to enjoy the Labradors making movement part of their lifestyle.

  1. DO: Just Move. Your movement practice doesn’t need to be complicated, scheduled, or trending on social media. Take a walk. Ride your bike. Dance in your living room. Just Move.
  2. DON’T Put Yourself in Dangerous Situations. Just because you CAN try an extreme sport or ride your bike on a busy road, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Stay safe today, so that you can keep moving tomorrow.
  3. DO: Make Movement a Priority. Life is busy. Schedule time for regular movement.
  4. DON’T Be a Jerk. Translation: It’s not ALL about you. Share the trail (or gym equipment). Leash your dog in public spaces. Do your best to allow other movers to enjoy their movement experience.
  5. DO: Be adaptable. You may not have time to do your fantasy workout. Your fitness class may have been canceled. Adapt. Find something you CAN do to keep moving.

Take home message: find ways to include safe and fun movement in your lifestyle today, and you will look forward to making movement part of your lifestyle in the future. So just move…be safe…and move more.

Check out the FitLabPGH Movement Tips and Lifestyle Hacks videos every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for tips and hacks to help you, and your dog(s) move more…move better…and stay safe…throughout 2022.

Contact Info for FitLabPGH:

Twitter: @fitlabpgh

Instagram: @fitlabpgh

We update via Facebook too!!

Movement Tips and Lifestyle Hacks – YouTube channel (posted on Instagram too)

Check out our sister podcast Moving2Live concise but interesting podcasts for the movement and exercise professional and amateur aficionado.


