FitLab Deep Creek Lab Lessons 5:25 For the Memories

LabLessons from FitLab Deep Creek.

For the Memories.

The Labs don’t spend any time scrolling on social media, comparing themselves to trending influencers. They are happy to share their adventures with their followers. But they know their staff is primarily interested in preserving the memory of all the FitLab Labradors. While there is plenty of negativity on social media, we encourage you to focus on the positive side of social media. Celebrate the good moments and look forward to future adventures.

Move more. Move often. Move with dogs. Collect good memories.

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 16:24 Include Your Dogs In Your Spring Adventures

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Include Your Dogs in Your Spring Adventures.

Spring is a great time to get outside for long hikes, bike rides, and runs. The Labradors would like to remind you that your dogs also like to participate in Spring adventures. If your activity of choice isn’t dog friendly, consider adding a shorter dog walk to that day’s agenda. If your outdoor activity IS dog friendly, remember to bring dog snacks and water if necessary.

Move more. Move often. Include your dogs in your Spring adventures.

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 13:24 Explore New Places to Move

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Explore New Places to Move.

The Labradors know the first key to making movement part of your lifestyle is finding movement activities you enjoy. For the Labs, that means hiking and trail running, especially on hilly, soft-surface trails. The second key is being consistent with your movement practice; move on a regular basis. Once you’ve established a consistent, enjoyable movement practice, you can incorporate the final suggestion from the Labs: explore new places to move to keep your routine from becoming boring. In this video, the Labs enjoyed the High Rocks climb to an abandoned fire tower in Savage River State Forest.

Move more. Move often. Be consistent. Explore new places to move.

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 3:24 Embrace New Adventures

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Embrace New Adventures.

If you’re interested in trying new movement activities in 2024, but you’re nervous about new adventures, enlist a trusted friend (or an experienced instructor) to be your guide. Last week, the Labs joined us on a road trip to explore the new FitLab HQ in Garrett County, MD. They loved playing in the snow and meeting new people. They were a bit anxious in the new house, but they weren’t scared because they trust their humans (aka, the Staff) to keep them safe.

Move more. Move often. Recruit a trusted friend (or instructor) and embrace new movement adventures in 2024.