FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 44:23 Be Proactive About Your Health

Labrador Lesson for 11/4/23:

Be Proactive About Your Health.

The Labradors count on their humans to create a healthy lifestyle. After consulting with the humans, the Labs have 3+ tips to help you and your 4-legged friends implement a healthy lifestyle. 1. Get regular movement. This is easy for the Labs; they love to move. 2. Eat quality food (and not “too much” of it). The Labs REALLY need the humans for this one…and sometimes humans need a consult from a registered dietitian. 3. Remember to get regular checkups and vaccines. Bonus tip: ENJOY your movement time; have fun with it!

Move more. Move often. Whether you have 2 legs or 4, take a tip from the Labs: be proactive about your health.


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 43:23 Move Consistently Throughout the Year

Labrador Lesson for 10/28/23:

Move Consistently Throughout the Year.

The Labradors LOVE to get outside to move in the Fall (and Winter), but they know it’s important to keep moving throughout the year…even during the Summer, when they’d prefer to play inside an air-conditioned house. Moving consistently throughout the year provides physical and mental health benefits…and allows you to be prepared to move more during your favorite seasons. We all have our preferences for ideal movement weather, but with preparation and adaptation, we can enjoy moving outside year-round.

Move more. Move often. Take a tip from the Labs: move consistently throughout the year.


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 42:23 Take Your Time

Labrador Lesson for 10-21-23:

Take Your Time.

Welcome to the first official Saturday edition of Labrador Lessons. As Labradors, we understand that humans are sometimes in a rush to cram too many activities into a single day…Unfortunately, that rush may prevent you from getting the most out of each activity on your schedule. During the Summer, our humans often rush us through our morning walk to Beat The Heat. Now that cooler temperatures have arrived, we’re reminding them…and you…to take the time to enjoy your movement session. Take a tip from us: make the time to focus on the positive aspects of your movement activity AND your environment.

Whether you have 2 legs or 4, remember to take your time. Move more. Move often. Make time to enjoy your movement and your time outside.

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 41:23 Remember to Have Fun

Labrador Lesson for 10-13-23:

Remember to have fun.

As Labradors, we don’t read the news, but we see just enough television and social media to know that there is no shortage of negativity in the world. Take a tip from us: focus on the positive and remember to have fun. Our fun times include walking with our humans (on leash, for their safety); chewing sticks; and watching deer 🦌 and turkeys 🦃. We also love frolicking in the snow, but even when there’s no snow, we remember to have fun when we get outside.

Whether you have 2 legs or 4, remember to have fun…in your movement practice, and in the rest of your life. Focus on the positive and create fun times whenever possible.

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 39:23 Enhance Your Dog’s Quality of Life

Labrador Lesson for 9/29/23:

Enhance your dog’s quality of life.

We all want our dogs to live long, healthy, happy lives. Here are 3 simple tips for enhancing your dog’s quality of life: 1. Keep your dog at a healthy weight. This calls for a combination of portion control and movement. Consult your vet or a dog trainer if you need guidance in formulating a plan. 2. Keep your dog active, ideally on soft surfaces with a healthy dose of hills to utilize more muscle mass. 3. Be present with your dog, who may not make good/safe decisions when left unsupervised.

Move more. Move often. Move with your dog. Get outside and enjoy hoodie season.


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 16:23 Be Present for Your Pets

Labrador Lesson for 4/14/23;

Be Present for Your Pets.

As Labradors, we’re happy anytime we get outside for a walk/run/hike…but we’ve noticed some humans don’t pay attention to their dogs when they’re in the park or on the trails. If you are more focused on your phone or your workout than your dogs, this message is for you. When you take us out for a movement session, that movement session is about our health and happiness. Stay alert. Be aware of dangers (things we can eat, wild animals, off-leash dogs, hot weather). Shorten our leashes, take breaks, or cut short the movement session as needed to keep us safe. Please. Thank you.

Whether you have 2 legs or 4, you get more out of a movement session if you stay safe and healthy! And from what we can see, humans would get more benefit from moving if they turned off their devices and focused on being present.

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 15:23 Human Treats Aren’t for the Dogs

Labrador Lesson for 4/7/23;

Human treats aren’t for the dogs.

As Labradors, we will eat anything…whether or not it is likely to make us sick. We know that humans often have food-based gatherings of friends and family during the Spring (Ramadan, Passover, Easter, and more), so we want to remind you to keep an eye on your celebratory food. Dropped food isn’t the only risk, as some dogs are counter-surfers and others have feline friends to knock food off the counter for them. A trip to the emergency vet can ruin your holiday celebration (even if we fully recover).

Whether you have 2 legs or 4, enjoy your holiday celebrations, but make sure your 4-legged friends don’t get too close to harmful human treats.


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 5:23 Help Keep Us Safe

Labrador Lesson for 1-27-23:

Help keep us safe.

As Labradors, we don’t always make the best decisions. So we ask our humans to help keep us safe. If we’re not in our fenced in backyard (or in the house), we’re on leash…why? Because, left to our own devices, we might chase a rabbit 🐇, spook a deer 🦌, or encounter a skunk 🦨 or porcupine! We’ve also been known to eat things we shouldn’t eat. Plus, we’re lovers, not fighters, and we’d rather avoid unfriendly dogs.

If you’re a dog who makes questionable decisions, ask your humans to help keep you safe. And if you’re a human with dogs in your life, do your best to keep them safe and healthy!